Our Story

“My focus is on the beads as another tool for mindfulness and self-growth. They act as a constant reminder of presence, which over the years has been a relief and sense of support to me.”

Why Anhkara?

Welcome to Anhkara Natural, your source for beautiful and meaningful waistbeads! We are a Black woman-owned business based in Chula Vista, CA, dedicated to providing high-quality waistbeads that empower and inspire our customers.

Our journey began when our founder, Tijera Moffett, discovered the beauty and significance of waist beads after exploring her femininity separate from a man. She was captivated by the intricate designs, the rich cultural history of the traditional adornments, and most importantly the thought to use them as a mindfulness tool. It was then and there that she wanted to share them with others.

Anhkara Natural waist strands are all inspired by strength, tradition, and manifestation. As a result, they hold certain colors that call forth and support certain energies.

Since then, we have been committed to sourcing the finest materials and working with skilled artisans to create waist beads that are both beautiful and meaningful. We believe that waist beads are more than just a fashion accessory – they are a powerful symbol of femininity, strength, and spirituality.

At Anhkara Natural, we are passionate about helping women feel confident and empowered. Whether you are looking for a waistbead to celebrate a milestone, honor your heritage, or simply enhance your style, we have the perfect piece for you. Each waistbead is carefully crafted to reflect your unique personality and style.

Thank you for choosing Anhkara Natural– we are honored to be a part of your journey.

I chose to make them after experiencing the beginning of my journey coming into my Divine femininity. This process was wholly eye-opening and allowed me to express my Inner Goddess, and that’s when I knew that I could assist other Queens tap into theirs through this platform.
— Tijera Moffett